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Choose either the

Drive In or Under the Tent Experience!

Join us Sundays at 10:30 AM!

For Wednesday Night Service details, click HERE.


Your safety and health is so important to us! In compliance with government recommendations, we have provided this info sheet to outline what you should expect.


The Choice Is Yours!

You have three options on how to experience church on Sundays! 

Feel free to change your experience preference as the summer goes on.:


Under the Tent

  • Chairs Provided - 60 Seat Occupancy, First-Come, First-Serve

  • Sorry, no additional seating can be brought under the tent

  • Seating may be set up on the lawn outside the tent. Please maintain social distancing.



  • Park in designated parking (spaces will be marked off)

  • Listen from inside or outside your vehicle on 87.9 FM


Facebook Live from Home

  • Click HERE for more details.


What steps is Holland First taking to ensure safety for all? 


  • We will be directing vehicles to park in designated areas. Our aim is to keep the social distancing of 6 feet. Therefore, the parking lot will be marked off. Please park in the designated spots only.


  • To easily inform others of your physically-distancing preference, the usher will provide you with a sticker :

    • GREEN sticker (“OK to receive hugs or handshakes”)  

    • RED sticker (“Thanks for maintaining physical distance recommendations”). You are welcome to wear gloves / masks at your own discretion.

    • Please respect each other's choices as we navigate this season.


  • Physically-distant seating underneath the tent


  • If you are uncomfortable with receiving printed material, you can view our bulletin, song lyrics and church notes on our church app.


  • While we will not be indoors on Sundays, you can be assured that our church building has been thoroughly cleaned during the last few months and will continue to be cleaned on a daily basis.


  • Our restrooms will be open and fully stocked with hand sanitizer, baby wipes and other sanitary items. However, we encourage you to bring your own supplies to have on hand.


How YOU can help?

  • If you are in one of the high-risk categories, please enjoy the service from home.


  • If you are sick and/or have been exposed to COVID-19, please enjoy the service from home.


  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet apart while on the church property


What can I expect at the Outdoor Service on Sundays?

  • You can expect a full Holland First Worship Band, led by Pastor Larry DeLeon. 


  • You will receive a complete bulletin as well as the song lyrics, an offering envelope, a sheet to take notes and service information. 


  • You’ll hear an inspiring  message from Pastor Mike Houser as he shares from the Word.


What should I bring to best enjoy the Outdoor Service?​


  •  Water bottles


  • Chairs/Blankets (60 chairs provided in tent area only / first-come, first-serve)


  • Cell phone to access the church app. While we will have WiFi available, if you have unlimited data, please use this so we can keep up with demand.


  • Sorry, no children's ministry available at this time

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